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Moderator: Eric Rancourt

Eric Rancourt

Assistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada

Eric Rancourt is Assistant Chief Statistician for the Strategic Data Management, Methods and Analysis Field at Statistics Canada. He is also Statistics Canada’s Chief Data Officer.  

He has worked at Statistics Canada for 33 years and has occupied several roles such as Director General of the Modern Statistical Methods and Data Science Branch, Director General of Strategic Data Management, Director of International Cooperation, Director of Corporate Planning, Head of research, Production manager of Survey Methodology Journal, and Researcher.  

His main areas of work have been on the treatment of nonresponse, estimation, and the use of administrative and alternative data in statistical programs. Recently he has worked on frameworks for optimizing privacy and information, data ethics, and modern statistical designs.  

He holds a BSc in Statistics from University Laval, BAs in Arts (Ancient Studies; Medieval and Renaissance Studies), as well as a BA in philosophy from the University of Ottawa focusing on data ethics. He is Chair of the Board for the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI). He has been involved in many professional associations including the International Association for Survey Statisticians (IASS) for which he is Vice-President, and the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) and is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). He is Chair-Elect for the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and he is also a member of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC).  

Participating in: Taking stock of the evolution of data protection in Canada (French session)

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