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Speaker: Jutta Treviranus, Ph.D.

Jutta Treviranus

Director and Professor, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

Jutta Treviranus is the Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) and professor in the faculty of Design at OCAD University in Toronto (  Jutta established the IDRC in 1993 as the nexus of a growing global community that proactively works to ensure that our digitally transformed and globally connected society is designed inclusively. Dr. Treviranus also founded an innovative graduate program in inclusive design at OCAD University. Jutta is credited with developing an inclusive design methodology that has been adopted by large enterprise companies such as Microsoft, as well as public sector organizations internationally. In 2022 Jutta was recognized for her work in AI by Women in AI with the AI for Good – DEI AI Leader of the Year award.

Participating in: Integrating human-centred data and design approaches for inclusive services: People at the core

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