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CDS Intranet

Welcome to the CDS team!

We’re so happy you’re here.

As a CDS employee, you can use this site to find forms, guides, templates, and information on our organization and the broader Government of Canada.

Interested in adding content for your team? Check out our Intranet content guidelines to learn more. πŸ”’ ↗️

Browse by topic:

About us
Learn more about who we are, what we do and how we work

Training and professional development
Read guidance on training, professional development opportunities, and language learning

Pay, leave and benefits
Find information on your pay, leave and benefits

Quick Links:

Your career at CDS
Access internal policies and guidance, career pathways, collective agreements, and info on working for the Government of Canada

How to tell our stories
Find out how the Communications and Marketing team can help with all your communication needs- whether presenting at an event, or sharing your work through blogs and social media

CDS teams
Explore information and helpful docs from Policy, Platform, SRE, Partnerships and more

Not finding what you’re looking for? Share your feedback or message us on slack and we’ll work on adding it. πŸ”’ ↗️

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