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Since February of this year, senior leadership has been working on the CDS Strategic Vision 2024–2027, also called CDSNext. This vision outlines collective missions going forward and what we plan to achieve together. Our collective priorities and day-to-day work will need to align with the vision, so we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to ask questions and get clear and helpful answers.
Change is hard
Whether you’re from CDS originally or have recently joined, we are in this together and collectively we can build a stronger, more impactful organization going forward. However, growing pains don’t go away overnight and opportunities for clarification and feedback are integral to our future success.
To help facilitate the flow of information for CDSNext, we have formed a team of change ambassadors with representation across all the teams at CDS. Everyone’s voice is important, and this initiative is crucial to giving all CDSers an opportunity to share concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback. We want this to be something we can all push forward together and for everyone to be involved. Feel free to reach out to any of the ambassadors listed below.
Meet the Change Ambassadors
Composable Products: Mario Garneau, Jesse Burcsik
Enterprise Products: Kevin Herman, Peng Wei
Business Enablement and Services: Denis Tsui, Eman El-Fayomi, Abbie Chapman, Ciara Cronin, Katharine Lamarca
Operations: Rashi Khilnani, Cheyenne Arrowsmith, Emily Christie
Digital Transformation Office: Tracy McKenney
We’re excited to work together and uphold the CDS principles and the overall mission we all share: to better serve people. Together, we can do this.