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Words and their definitions

The Words and their definitions 🔒 ↗️ resource document was created for the purpose of providing current language to explain justice related concepts.

Bias 🔒 ↗️
A preconceived judgment that is held by a person and that influences their perception of or their behaviour towards another person or group of people. (Biases can be manifested through favoritism towards or discrimination against a person or group of people based on factors such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, age, religion or socioeconomic status.)

Guide on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Terminology ↗️

As members of the Canadian Digital Service and the Government of Canada, we are committed to acceptance, inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility. We recognize that words matter but their impact is limited without action. Our work is centered on people, driven by empathy, and prioritizes their needs. We collaborate closely with users and service operators to ensure our services are inclusive from the start.

We support each other and our partners, treating resilience and wellness as shared responsibilities. We aim to create a space where everyone feels they belong, can take risks, learn from mistakes, and speak openly. By fostering a culture of mutual support and continuous learning, we strive to build a public service that reflects the diverse and inclusive society we serve.

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