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Lessons learned

Employees presenting ideas on a whiteboard to people, pointing at scrum task board plan, sticky notes flowchart.

Our top lessons learned…and counting 

Digital transformation is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Our approach continues to evolve as we try new things and discover what works and doesn’t. 

Digital transformation doesn’t have to be big or even technology focused.

It can be as simple as eliminating steps in a process to make it easier for users. There is a myriad of opportunities to improve how we deliver services. 

Digital transformation is not a side-of-the-desk process.

It requires resources and commitment from the top. If you don’t have that yet, you can start small by living the 10 Digital Standards in your everyday tasks.  

Users first. Users first. Users first.

We can’t emphasize this enough. We need to design with and for the people using our services. 

Don’t jump to solutions too quickly.

Do a deep dive into the problem you’re trying to solve. This will save you time and the cost of going down the wrong path. 

Be agile.

Make small changes. Iterate. Learn. Improve. Repeat. 

One size does not fit all.

Flexibility is where it’s at. If one approach or idea doesn’t work, try another one. 

Identify sponsors.

Senior management “cheerleaders” can help remove roadblocks and facilitate change. Digital “trailblazers” at all levels are also great to spread the word.  

Be open to new ways of doing things.

Set aside time to imagine and innovate, no matter how far-fetched. Remember, it just takes one person with a great idea to make a big impact. 

Multi-disciplinary teams are the way to go.

Speed up the process by bringing together the expertise you need in one place and encouraging a cross-pollination of ideas.

Don’t reinvent the wheel.

Collaborate with other branches, government departments and external experts. Chances are the perfect “wheel” is already out there or one you can build on to save time. 

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