Adding conditional rules

This feature is being piloted. More enhancements to make it more usable will be coming in the near future. Coming soon: Get a sneak peek on how it will work to Set up a multi-page form with branching logic.

Using conditional logic in forms can help improve experience of form fillers, especially when forms are complex. This can help to reduce the length of a form and ensure that only relevant questions are asked, also improving the quality of data collected.

Dynamic fields using “if”/”then” or “show”/”hide” conditional rules are now available in GC Forms for basic form elements, including radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown, and attestation.

Showing only relevant questions based on selections

  1. Create a form in GC Forms
  2. Add a form element that allows you to select an option, such as radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown or attestation.
  3. Add options to the question selected.
  4. Add another form element that will be dependent on choosing a specific option.
  5. Go to “Add a rule”
  6. In the “Add a rule to a question” modal, select which option, if answered, will decide if the other question appears.
  7. Select which question will show on selection and save.
  8. Add as many rules as is relevant.

Adding a text input for “Other” when selected

  1. Create a form in GC Forms
  2. Add a form element including one that allows you to select an option, such as radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown or attestation.
  3. Add “Other” as the final option in the list.
  4. Select “Add input field for ‘other'”.
    • An “Other” short answer question is added below the question with other as an option. Here, you can modify the input label and add hint text, if you’d like.
  5. Make sure to also edit the translation of “Other” in “Translations” if you make changes to the content.

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